One Full Day:  A story exchange.

I will be offering 8 to 12-week long therapeutic story groups for my clients and those recommended by colleagues who might benefit from the small group experience, or for those who wish to apply. Please reach out if interested. Here is the low-down:

Why: None of us come to our adult lives having escaped harm and pain. Our past stories can leave a mark, an imprint where shame lurks and lingers into today’s living, even wreaking havoc on our current relationships. Hurt comes to us in relationships, and so does our healing. Group work, when done well, can jump us forward in our personal work of creating a life of flourishing and freedom. These groups also offer a framework to better engage the people in our lives—their pain and harm, their shame and sadness—in more impactful and robust ways. These groups are both therapy and training.

Who: The offer to participate is extended to a small handful of people who have already started or are far down the path of their own therapeutic journeys—who are my clients, who have been recommended by a colleague, or who have applied to participate. Each group consists of no less than six, no more than eight participants.

What: We will learn and utilize Narrative Focused Trauma Care as taught by the Allender Center, based on the work of Dr. Dan Allender, as well as curriculum designed and produced by Art of Living Counseling Center’s Cyndi Mesmer of Illinois which integrates multiple narrative and group counseling theories. I have trained in this work for about five years.

When: Date and time will be determined as effort is made to accommodate the schedules of those who wish to participate. Groups will meet once weekly for 2-hour sessions. Four-day weekend intensives are also an option.

Where: Weekly groups will be held at my office. Intensive group experiences would most likely be at an offsite location.

Cost: Payment up front is ideal, however if this creates hardship for someone, alternative payment schedules can be accomodated. Some insurance companies may reimburse part of group session costs. I can provide documentation to self-bill if you wish, but I will not be billing insurance for group participants, nor can I confirm that your insurance will or won’t reimburse.

Commitment: Once you are in, you are ALL in. The commitment to attend each meeting is key. Story work involves risk and a high level of vulnerability, it is important that all members show up for each other and for the cohesion of the group. Missing one session in the 12-weeks is permitted, however if you know you will need to miss more than one, we recommend you wait for another group. Group may be postponed if up to two participants are missing for a given session—we need to be there for each other’s stories 

Required of you:

Attendance, as per above. A brief weekly check-in. Writing and reading to the group an informal piece entitled: Where I Am From. Writing one story of harm that occurred during your childhood or adolescence, reading it to the group, and allowing us to engage your story with kindness and care. Engaging other group members’ stories. (Please do not stress about these things! You will learn how to do them along the way and be offered examples and given ample time.) Attending counseling at least once each month to further process what you are learning about your story in the group. And there will be optional reading and listening assignments outside of group. Each week will include teaching as well.

Reach out to express interest if you wish to be considered for the next group.